Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mid Week: More About Black & White

As soon as we admit that there are no right answers, that we must be ready to live with contradiction, we are forced instead to listen to one another, to admit our need to learn, to recognize our need to receive.*

The above Esther de Waal quote gives us clues for moving from a black and white perspective.   

The comment section of exploring the mystery (click on italicized words & then scroll) features a quote by Anonymous that shows how one woman courageously faced her history with black and white thinking. 

Let me know in comment section or by replying to this email what your relationship with black and white thinking has been and what you would like it to be. 

*From Companioning the Dying, January 30, 2015.

Image: Day after 10" snowstorm!


  1. Billy Joel sang (& wrote?) a song about how when we mature, we see more shades of gray. That really stuck with me….not to see things always in black and white but in new shades of gray.

    1. Sounds like a helpful song! If you find the title, please let me know.

      Thanks for your comment - much appreciated.


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