Friday, June 28, 2019

Keeping An Open Mind - #91

An open mind is a source of potential energy.

On Wednesday, I asked our chef Sarah from Friend That Cooks where I could find the caper dill sauce in the frig. 

Sarah replied: "It is in the jar I marked caper dill sauce." 

There was a jar to the left of the marked jar that was the container  she usually puts caper dill sauce in and it looked a lot like caper dill sauce. Since this is the container where she had always put the caper dill sauce in the past, I believed it must be there now, so I asked one more time: "Where is the caper dill sauce?" 

She said patiently: "It's in the jar marked caper dill sauce."

After more exchanges, during which my voice increased in volume, as if Sarah didn't speak English and if I spoke louder she would suddenly understand, my mind finally opened! The caper dill sauce was in the jar labeled caper dill sauce!  

Initially my mind was a closed mind, which Scott Forrester in The Aware Athlete, notes is similar to a battery on a shelf that never gets used.

Do you have an open mind?  Do expectations have the effect of closing your mind? My goal is to have expanded awareness and interested curiosity - the suggestions left in the comments by Anon last week.

CLUE: Use insect repellent when you go out for a walk. The mosquitoes are plentiful and the few bites I have received swelled, were bright red, and itched like crazy!

Thanks for exploring the mystery - Nicky Mendenhall

Image: I love fountains! This could be anywhere in the world which is to say I don't remember where I received the photo.


  1. Scott Forrester

    Actually this is a wonderful example of "the elusive obvious" which is elusive because of preconceptions. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Hi Scott -
      I love your phrase "the elusive obvious" - what a helpful one.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. Wow! What a great example of how our expectations close our minds on a daily basis! I love your goals for "expanded awareness and interested curiosity"! I wonder what Sarah was thinking when you continued to question her. It seems like she continued to remain open. This post made me wonder about how much of our everyday communication gets stifled by our unconscious choice to shut down awareness and curiosity. I will make your goal my conscious goal as well! Thanks!


    1. I'm glad you are joining me for the goals - it helps to have company!

      Interesting question about what Sarah was thinking. I may check with her!

      Thanks for reading and commenting. Here's to expanded awareness and interested curiosity!

  3. I think I have an open mind and that like Dad it opens more with age. I find that expectations open my mind rather than closing it.

    1. Hi Nolan,

      Dad sure did become more open minded as he aged. I'm glad you are repeating his pattern.
      I am intrigued about expectations opening your mind - will have to think about that. Would love to know more.

      You wrote that you had commented on the last two posts and hadn't heard from me. That's because I never received them. What a frustrating thing for you for them not to go through. I wish I knew what happens. So anytime you - or anyone else - posts and don't hear from me - let me know!

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I love knowing you are reading.


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