Saturday, March 19, 2016

Never Doubt the Power of the Unconscious - #213

Post #212 was lengthy. It occurred to me after it was published that since reading it would take more of your time, I would skip the next post. No final decision was made; my assumption was that a new post was needed.

Friday evening, the window of opportunity for pushing the "publish" button (for Saturday delivery) came and went. No thought whatsoever of exploring the mystery.

This morning, Saturday, I woke up a bit disoriented. Something didn't feel right. What day was it anyway?

Clarity came slowly. I had forgotten to post last night. I have plenty of excuses why this didn't happen but my best guess is that my unconscious interfered. I thought I could (or is it would?) skip the post and so I did.

Do you catch your unconscious interfering with your plans? Do you even believe in the unconscious? I suspect there is at least one person reading this that no longer "believes" in the unconscious. I'd love to hear how you would think of situations like this.  

I offer my apologies for the late arrival of this post plus an image of an idyllic beach scene from a trip to Brazil in 2010 coupled with the thought - how can it be almost six years? I remember the fresh fish - caught minutes before lunch - grilled over the open fire.

What is your experience at the beach? Do you "believe" in sitting on the beach listening to the ocean? Let us know in an email or in the comments section of the blog which you can get to by scrolling to the bottom of the email you are reading and clicking on the underlined phrase, exploringthemystery

Thanks for exploring the mystery - Nicky Mendenhall

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