Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mid Week Question:Can Nicky Keep Her Mouth Shut?

"Healing not as the elimination of disease, but as a falling in love with the poignancy of being alive: taking the great injured heart of the world for my own and coming to respect the essential mystery of life, so that my answer to many questions is "I don't know," and this not knowing is a form of generosity."*

Isn't it an interesting idea that saying I don't know, in response to a question we are asked, turns out to be a generous way to give space to the other to decide for themselves?

My know-it-all voice is never at a loss when someone asks me a question about relationships. Maybe it is an occupational hazard. 

When I can listen and respond with sympathy or empathy instead of proclaiming the answer, my body relaxes. I feel better sharing the mystery rather than solving it. After all, isn't the idea exploring the mystery?

Thanks for your loyalty and support - Nicky Mendenhall

From an article entitled Body of Radiant Knots: Healing as Remembering by Joan Iten Sutherland. I copied just one page and don't remember what book it was in. Sorry.


  1. This is an AWESOME quote! Thank you so much.

    Yes, the difference between coming from the mind that thinks it knows and the heart which really does... Wow.

    1. I love this suggestion - truth coming from the mind or the heart. Such a great way to say what I am learning - if my mind is convinced there is one right way and is determined to say it, it bypasses my heart which has compassion - if I but listen.

      Thank you!

  2. Nicky, excellent! Enjoy all your "mysteries." Eliabeth

    1. Thank you - there seems to be more mysteries all the time!


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