Friday, May 24, 2019

TWO Foundations: Potential and Intention - #86

The author of The Aware Athlete, Scott Forrester, proposes a New Fitness Pyramid that we will begin to examine. Here are two foundation pieces of this new structure for us to ponder:

1. Potential: The innate ability you have but have not yet used.

2. Intention: A decision to use some of that potential.

Do you think we need help to find our potential and set our intention? I do.

Part of what I have learned during the last year is that I have innate physical abilities I haven't used. How do I know this? Because I work with a personal trainer (email me if you want information about her services - she's really helped me) who designs my fitness exercises. Then she watches me exercise and encourages me to give it a try when I say, "I can't do that!" It surprises me every time she's right.

The decision to use more of my potential bodily ability was re-enforced when the surgical procedure for NPH was successful. The surgeon was clear after sewing me up that I needed to walk, a LOT, if I wanted to be mobile. 

What do you need to discover your potential and make a decision? It's difficult to keep working out and believing in ourselves but we can! Let me know what you think of these two components of the new fitness pyramid and stay tuned for more on this.

CLUE: Purchase some bing cherries and enjoy spitting out the seeds!

Thanks for exploring the mystery - Nicky Mendenhall

Image: The strangest city hall I've ever seen in Nelson, NZ.


  1. Hi Nicky! Reading your post immediately reminded me of Diana Nyad and her amazing story--talk about potential and intention! For me, she is the ultimate example of using the max in both. Great reminder! Thanks!

    1. Hi Diane!

      I just watched a 1:11 minute video of Diana Nyad that gave me chills! Thanks for thinking of her and telling us!

      Thanks for reading and being grateful for my labor of love!

  2. We are surprised by what we can do when we try some new, something beyond and when we lay aside the idea that we are already doing all we can

    1. That is certainly my experience!

      Thanks Scott!

  3. Well, my brain is torn between thinking that potential is a future ability that has to be worked towards, or if it is something you can do right now if you just intend or to decide to do it.

    I can see what you mean in that our bodies and minds are capable of more than we think we can do at the moment.
    I just think that might sell potential too short? Deciding to use what you immediately can access is the beginning of getting to your potential?
    I'll have to think more!

    1. Hi Mark!
      I think you hit on a great point - deciding to use what you have can access your potential.

      Thanks for reading and commenting. I like your thought process!

  4. My favorite Charlie Brown quote: “there’s nothing worse than having a high potential “

    Not sure why that stuck with me.

    But I agree with your premise anyway. Still believe that consistency is the real secret.

    1. Hi Nolan!

      I love that Charlie Brown quote! It is interesting noticing what we recall.

      Consistency is the secret sauce - I believe that. It is difficult for me to stay consistent because of the ever changing world. I think that I am working toward flexible consistency.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


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