Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Nepo' s Recipe For Attachment

"The truth is that this is how we evolve inwardly: by separating and rejoining, each time rearranging who we are....."*

Beyond Awakening's 100th interview on Sunday featured poet Mark Nepo. I remembered purchasing a book by Nepo several years ago, reading part of it, putting it on the shelf. I wondered what I would think now.

Making time to listen to Terry Patten interview Nepo appealed to me. Maybe there would be insights into attachment. I believe Nepo spoke of attachment without using the word. 

Here's a paraphrase of what I heard; see if it speaks to you of attachment:

"Things come together quietly; when they fall apart, they make a lot of noise."  

Attachment, according to the two Nepo quotes, may be as much about separation as it is about togetherness. What do you think? Do you need spaces in your attachments? If you need space, how do you go about getting it?

Please reply to this email or go to the blog by clicking on underlined exploring the mystery below or click on the word comment. I'm getting attached to hearing from you!

Thanks for exploring the mystery - Nicky Mendenhall

*Mark Nepo, The Exquisite Risk (2005).

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