Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mid Week Piece of Advice & More Water

"Be Kind, For Everyone You Meet Is Fighting A Great Battle"*

If you have visited exploring the mystery you may recognize a similarity between the image above and one featured on the blog heading.

This picture was created first thing this morning outside my office door. I was captivated by beautiful water drops especially because of our Water theme.

I was likewise captivated by Gloria Vanderbilt's quote above. The Dalai Lama has been quoted saying that his religion is kindness. Would you agree that kindness is necessary these days?

Do you remember that others are dealing with their own troubles and stresses - fighting their own great battles - when you are irritated by their behavior? Can you find opportunities to be kind today?

Thanks for exploring the mystery - Nicky Mendenhall

*Gloria Vanderbilt On Her Favorite Piece Of Advice. September 2014, More.com


  1. Hi Nicky,
    Reading your post today about being kind, I thought I'd tell you that this was my New Year's resolution for 2014. I know I'm not going to make any huge lifestyle changes at this point, and I do ok with the standard resolutions of weight, exercise, etc. But I thought it might help the world just a tiny bit if I tried being kinder to strangers. Like in the market, the parking lot, etc. I will admit that once in a while I have to remind myself of this resolution, but all in all it seems to help my day, and hopefully helps the day of someone else as well.

    1. What a wonderful resolution for you and the world! Thanks so much for sharing with us. As you indicate, the choice to be kind isn't always easy! Good for you for sticking with your resolution - August is nearly over! Do you think you will make the same resolution next year or will it be such a habit that you won't need to?

      Thanks again for the comment! Much appreciated.

    2. That is a good question, Nicky. It is becoming a little more of a habit (this sounds terrible, like I'm never kind!) I will probably make that my on-going resolution for a while, to have a kind response be my first response.

    3. What a noble aspiration!

      I find that I am sometimes curt when answering a question, especially if I think the other person "should" know! That would not be kindness would it? I'm going to be watching more closely now because of your input.

      Here's to the habit of kindness!


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