Friday, December 13, 2013

Homelessness - #93

I was homeless for a few days. It was 1997. Divorce final, family home sold, it was time for me to vacate the premises. The townhouse where I was planning to move would not be available for several weeks.

I remember the hollow feeling in my stomach when it became clear that I would not have an address. I was homeless.

Navjit Kandola is the creator of  I make time to read her posts; they speak to my heart as well as my head. This week she described a man who came to her aid when alone in London and how his presence taught her the importance of being present for others.   

Then she challenged herself not to turn away from those in need during this season, but instead have courage to provide for others. She promised to let her readers know what happens as she opens herself up in this way.

I emailed Navjit to ask if I could piggyback on her idea though I wasn't certain what that would mean. I only knew that when she discussed how giving can be complicated and fearful at times, I wanted to explore my own relationship with giving. Navjit was enthusiastic and encouraging in her response to me and said to keep her posted.

What do you like to give to others during this season? Do you ever feel fearful when someone in need approaches you? How do you decide who to help?
Please let us know in the comments section:
Maybe we can help each other be more generous and thoughtful.
Thanks for exploring the mystery - Nicky Mendenhall

1 comment:

  1. I always feel bad that I can't respond to every request, but there are so many! One thing I do is to give a donation to Lutheran Social Services to help three families through the holidays. It helps my spirt to picture some deserving unfortunate people with a little extra at Christmas. My kids started this custom when they were in high school, asked if we could take the money we usually spent on each other and give it to social services. We still got more than enough presents and it simplified our holiday season.


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