Friday, February 22, 2013

Wisdom: Knowing when to take time off - #61

Preparing this 61st post, it occurred to me that a long term goal of mine has been realized: I am writing on a regular basis.  

Beginning in the mid-1970's and and continuing into the 80's, I repeatedly pledged to the members of the Young Mother's Group (during the goal setting portion of our monthly meetings) that I wanted to write faithfully in my journal.  I felt envious when hearing others talk about the joys of journal writing. To this day I am jealous of people in coffee shops who are writing whether it be in their moleskin journal or on their laptop.

Publishing sixty exploring the mystery posts has strengthened both my discipline and my willpower muscles. Writing has given me ample contact with my emotions, taught me persistence, and introduced me to the world of blogging. 

Some of the minutes spent in front of the computer were excruciatingly difficult. Most of the hours spent writing were curiously satisfying. The feeling that you were all out there cheering me on has been extremely motivating.

And now it feels time to take a break from publishing for the month of March. The next post will be published on April 5, 2013.  You could say that I have decided to take a sabbatical (without pay unless readers and clients send in checks!).

My professional office will close on February 26th and reopen on March 26th, 2013.  Time off will include relaxing, traveling, practicing Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and reading (where did all those books come from?). 

Since you won't be reading and thinking about exploring the mystery, you will have a break too. Is there something else in your life that you want to take a break from in the month of March? 

One of the blogs I read online is written by Arjuna Ardagh. I just found an article he wrote after the tragedy at Sandy Hook School. It is very different from the other articles we've read. I found it very uplifting. You can find it here:

Thanks to all of you who have been faithfully reading and commenting either on the blog, by emails, or in person. You helped me meet a long term goal.
Go to the blog to make comments in the comment section.


  1. Congratulations on the beauty and power in your journey so far, Nicky. I happily look forward to the privilege of being witness to your continued journey!

    The article by Arjuna Ardagh is, indeed, uplifting. Thanks for sharing that, too.


  2. Thank you for your kind words Ruth. Glad you enjoyed Arjuna's article - I keep thinking about how he framed his experience in such a positive way.

  3. Your mini-retirement sound fun! I hope you plan a day at a time and then don't stick to your plans! Thank you for that article by Arjuna Ardagh. I shared it with my sister who lives in NV. "See" you in April. Jeanne


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