Friday, August 31, 2012

Giving Birth to Comments - #36

This is the ninth month we've been exploring the mystery -the perfect time to begin using the comment feature offered by blogspot. Now you can send comments to me while at the same time sharing them with others - we will be creating a virtual community. 

My plan is to keep posts short so you can read quickly, have time to reflect, and post your comment whenever you are ready.  (If you haven't already, check the helpful comments for Post #35.)

When you are ready to comment, or read others comments, go to the blog: There is no guarantee where you will land on the page - you may have to scroll up or down to find the word Comments.  Anytime you don't know what to do, scroll or click on or around the word Comments. Write in the box that will be provided.

Last week Bob* challenged me to experience a "jolt of thought."   

Visiting the Buddhist Relics,** during their tour stop in Des Moines, provided me an opportunity to be jolted. 

My friend's invitation was irresistible: "Come with me - the energy vibrations of the relics last night were palpable - you can't miss this!"

My previous attempts to feel "energies" has been very disappointing. Silently a pact was made with myself, go to this event and if you don't feel anything you can in good conscience never try again.

When we arrived there was a huge line - that was my first surprise. Second surprise was the ease experienced while standing in line for one and a half hours.

My belly relaxed, my breath flowed smoothly, and contrary to my usual feeling of overwhelm in huge crowds, there was instead a feeling of calmness as we slowly shuffled forward.

After circling the relics, there were stations where one could kneel down for a blessing. Mine was offered by a Zen priest who whispered indecipherable words as she lowered a stupa (ornate pedestal) down on my head.

There are few words to describe this third surprise. I experienced   a flow of energy between us that stunned me - you might say it was a jolt. At the time there didn't seem a need to label it and honestly. there still isn't. 

I stood up and maintained eye contact with the Zen priest as I backed away. We both grinned from ear to ear. Wandering across the room to sit on a chair, I continued to experience warmth in my body. The best way to describe my feelings at this point: connectedness to everything. 

This extraordinary experience was, for me, an example of what I heard Bob encouraging me to try - stay with the energy in the body. Do not try to analyze it but instead savor it; then see what  changes in your life. 

Have you ever had an experience like this? What changed as a result?

Thanks for exploring the mystery with me - I truly appreciate your continuing presence. Nicky Mendenhall

*You can learn more about Bob Klein by visiting his website:

**Google Buddhist Relics in Des Moines for detailed information
If you would like to make a comment on this post, read earlier posts in this series, subscribe to receive an email when there is a new post, or read this post on the blog, visit



  1. I have been thinking of you and enjoyed reading your blog and the comments. I believe we all think about quitting something one time or another, but that may be saying that we want perfection and if it isn't there we get discouraged. However, the best thing about making mistakes or failing is that we learn something new we didn't know before. I once heard we should not fear failure, but success as it lulls us into complacency. I don't think we can ascend to a new higher level of any endeavor without going through a struggle and some frustration. I know it is true with music and likely most other art forms.

    Carl Kurtz

  2. I don't think I've ever experienced what you did when the Zen priest bonked you on the head(sorry I couldn't resist giving you that image!). When Donna and I were in AZ (for our mule ride down the Grand Canyon), one of our stops was at a place that supposedly had lots of energy(called Bell Rock maybe?). Neither one of us felt anything different, but we thought maybe it was because we are already 'in touch' with nature. We do feel energy and excitement at the fair! And, like you, I don't like crowds, but I can 'handle' fair crowds. Nan

  3. Hi Nicky,

    Just a quick note to tell you that I read your posts each week and have found some really good things to contemplate. Thank you!

    Connie Taylor

  4. Thanks Connie,

    I look forward to hearing what you discover as you maintain the weekly discipline of exploring the mystery. Please share your insights - we can learn from one another.



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