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Before we examine the scientific research designed to help you locate the mind, let's contemplate how exploring the mystery relates to your well being.
Brain research posits that the two hemispheres of our brain, the Right Hemisphere and the Left Hemisphere, need to be integrated to be fully functional.
How does this integration occur?
Introspection and Contemplation lead to an integrated brain.
Disclaimer: The preceding statement is RH-hot-off-the-press declaration from the creator of exploring the mystery.
You may notice that my personal mission to encourage introspection and contemplation has an evangelistic fervor. Attribute this passion, if you will, to my firm conviction that these two actions and ways of being in the world are keys to the continuing evolution of consciousness.
If enough of us dive deep into our interior landscape and vow to set aside time to ponder our booty, a higher level of consciousness will be reached and will present us with new options for saving our world.
So how do scientists of the twenty-first century define the mind?
Sorry to pull a soap opera ending on you but my mind is adamant this post is becoming too lengthy. My commitment to keep posts concise is vital to your reading pleasure and to your overall well being.
Tune in next week. It will be worth the wait!
As always, thanks for exploring the mystery. Nicky Mendenhall