Friday, April 27, 2012

Double Trouble - #18

Jungian analyst Marion Woodman divides people into two types: people who spend their time pursuing personal transformation and people who are content to watch television and drink beer.  She calls members of the latter group "happy carrots."  Woodman advises that "happy carrots" are to be respected and left alone.

Soon our scandalous inquiry and investigative analysis of desire will be but a fond memory. I'm imagining that the happy carrots among us will be relieved.

Before moving on, here is a "how to" example of making contact with and following a desire to fruition.

My bottom line desire is to think of myself as a person who is involved in creative artistic endeavors. For years I believed that I wasn't artistic so I largely ignored my desire.

Being with the yearning that burned inside as I read an invitation to join an online artist and writer's class convinced me to sign up.  Noting my excitement when a class member, who was also a psychotherapist, mentioned she blogged led me to follow up on an advertisement in the Nutcracker Ballet program for website technical advice.

Busting past stubborn resistance and learning how to upload documents and store pictures from my camera on my computer led to designing a blog using my own photography. 

Being fearless when Blog related technical difficulties threatened my sanity and gaining trust that my expert helper would eventually figure out Feedburner issues were both stepping stones to realizing my desire.

Learning that when I sit down to write, it is enough to have a vague idea of what I want to write. Not freaking out as my anxiety level rises when facing writer's block keeps me writing. Enjoying it when a flash of an idea appears and capturing it before it gets away brings immense joy.

Noticing how rewarding it is to go over and over my words until I'm satisfied enough with them to walk away for awhile and let them sit. Then returning to go over them again. And again. 

Recognizing the deep breath and smile that comes prior to   pushing the publish button. 

All these steps go into realizing my desire.

What steps do you need to take to realize your desire? If you think of yourself as a happy carrot, do you have relatives or friends that need your encouragement to meet their desires?


Thanks for exploring the mystery - Nicky Mendenhall